5 Most Common Methods For Software Testing | In Detail

John Show
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Software Testing

Software Testing is the mediator step between software development and software delivery. This is an important part of the whole software development process where the product (the software) is tested for its bugs and errors and given a green flag if there are no necessary issues. A special team of software engineers is appointed for this task which uses specific test plan software to examine the product to see if it's working as desired and is able to perform smoothly in real-time problems.


If the software testing part is removed, the product reaching the customers will be full of errors and bugs, so this makes software testing extremely vital. In this post, you will learn about the 5 most common software testing methods. Follow below!

5 Methods For Software Testing

There are many methods that can be used for testing software. However, there are only a few methods that are used in the testing of almost all software. The following are the most common 5 types of software testing.

Unit Testing

As the name suggests, Unit testing means checking the smallest unit of the software. In this type of testing, you will focus on the smallest unit of the software; the testing team will individually check each unit or group interrelated to each other to check the functioning of the units and software as a whole. Unit testing is majorly conducted by programmers by using a single input and observing different outputs. For example, you will check if the product's method, functions or initialization is working fine.

Integration Testing

Integration testing is the type of software testing in which a group of units or components are joined together to produce a combined output. This mode aims to unit tested components and compile them to build an efficient working program. Integration testing can be done in four different testing methods- Top-down, Bottom-up, Big band and sandwich methods.

Regression Testing

Regression testing is another important type of software testing to make sure the product reaching the clients is working smoothly and efficiently. Here, the testing team tests the software each time a new module or feature is added to the software. The objective is to determine if the product is working well, as it was working previously (before making new changes and adding new modules to the product). Regression testing needs to be done every time a new module is added to the software, or a bug is detected to make sure the product is free of all the errors.

Performance Testing

As the name suggests, performance testing simply means accessing the performance of the software. This testing type is designed to run real-time tests on the product in the context of an integrated system. Performance testing is performed to determine the product's flexibility, effectiveness and speed. It is also called load testing since the scalability is also checked during performance testing. A lot of real-time stress and load is put on the software, say, by running all the programs on the software.

Acceptance Testing

Software testing is started by the users, understanding the features they would want and ends with the user's acceptance testing (UAT). During this testing type, users try out the product and determine if the product is working how they desire it to. It’s an important part of testing from both the development and sales point of view; users find out if there is any kind of bug or error in the product, and since the users directly become part of software testing, they become more aware of the product.


Software testing is a part of software development which works simultaneously with the developing team. Their task enrolls testing every individual unit to testing the system as a whole to determine any hidden bugs and errors in the product. Since a product is manufactured keeping the needs and demands of the customers in mind, they make sure that the product's objective matches the users' objective.



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