6 common misconceptions about logo design

John Show
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logo design

 Logo design is a misunderstood and mystified field. Many people offer opinions about what makes or breaks a good logo, but none of them seem to be working.


Logo design has come a long way since its inception in the mid-1800s, but it's still plagued by myths and misconceptions about how logos are made. The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all method for designing the perfect logo. Whether you want to create a simple logo for your blog or you're looking for something more complex like a corporate identity program that can represent your brand's values, each project has its own set of challenges and opportunities—and they all deserve careful consideration and professional execution.


In this article, we'll address some of the most common myths about logo design and explain why they don't work and how to avoid them at all costs.


1.         A logo should reflect a company's product or service.


A logo is a form of identification and differentiation. Countries have flags, royal families have their crests and companies have their logos. They all serve a single purpose — to identify and differentiate their owners from everyone else in the crowd. Nothing more, nothing less


The logo is the most important part of any business, which is why it is so important to create a logo that works for you. Freelancebazar is one of the most professional logo designers in the industry. A logo can be used to identify your brand, distinguish you from other businesses, and capture the attention of customers.


A logo should also be distinctive, easy to read and remember and convey your company’s message clearly.


In the same way that you wouldn't put a picture of your favorite band on your backpack or wear an article of clothing featuring the logo of a company that doesn't support you politically, logos are meant to communicate one thing: we're here! And we're proud of what we do!


The logo is the most important element of your brand because it represents you, tells people who you are, and shows what you stand for. It should be simple and timeless so that even if it changes or gets redesigned in the future, it still looks like a part of your brand and not just some random design element on its own.


2. A logo must include a symbol that represents the company.


You'll see this in the logos of major brands like Nike and Apple as well as some smaller, independent companies. The reason is simple: it's more effective to use a logo that's completely devoid of any visual cues than one that contains symbols. When you look at a logo with symbols, there are two things going on: first, it's an image that conveys information about what the company does (for example, a sports team's logo might be a shield or helmet), and second, it also communicates a specific meaning (for example "Nike" is about sportswear). But when you remove all those things from your logo—and just leave behind your name—it becomes much more abstract. By eliminating any visual cues, you're making it clear that the logo is simply an image made up of letters; nothing else matters to its meaning.


When choosing a typeface for a company logo, there are many factors that must be considered. Not only does the design need to look good on its own, but it also needs to work well within the context of the rest of your brand.


Symbols are a great way to communicate important information to the audience. However, if you are not sure what symbols should be used, it is best to consider more typographical solutions.


3. If your logo is well-crafted, it is acceptable to only show a symbol.


Recognition is achieved through repetition.


In order for someone to be recognized, they must be able to repeat their actions or outcomes over and over again. The more often someone does something, the more likely it is that others will notice them and give them feedback about what they do. FreelanceBazar helps freelancers develop a process to be recognized for their talents so they can gain traction faster.


Logos are complex ways of communicating information through design elements or symbols. They can be found everywhere from products to buildings or even clothing. While some logos are simple and straightforward, others are more complex and require a lot of work to understand their meaning.


The good news is that repetition is an effective tool for learning how to create better logos because it helps users learn how each element of the design relates to other elements in order to create a cohesive image with the meaning behind it.”


A repetition of a logo is a learning tool that can help you recognize a grain of sand in the Sahara desert. However, to make this work for logos means millions and millions of dollars invested in advertising and promotion.


If you're unsure about how to use your logo in a way that makes it effective for your business, or if you want to make sure that your logo communicates exactly what you need it to communicate—whether it's a simple "target audience" or a complex corporate identity—you should consult an expert. We're experts in this field!


4. A logo must conform to the established style of its industry.


Most real estate logos are very basic. They feature a house, a tree, and sometimes even a sunset or a hill. More imaginative designers will throw in a key to make the story more complete.


The problem with this is that most people have no idea what that story is supposed to be about. And if you don't know what the story is supposed to be about, how can you tell if it's complete? How can you possibly know if your brand has any real meaning?


This is why we recommend using more complex imagery in your designs—and making sure your clients know exactly what they're looking at when they see it: trees, houses, and keys!


Similarly, nine out of ten fashion logos are stylistic and elegant—black and white, elegant type, and few symbols or graphics. They all seem to be saving color for the clothes.


And while this is a trend that started several years ago, it's also still going strong. The reason why so many fashion logos are black and white is that it makes them look like they're from an old-fashioned magazine and therefore seem more trustworthy (and less "fashiony").


But there's a difference between old-fashioned and pretentious, and most brands want to be seen as legitimate businesspeople who know what they're doing. This means that they don't want their logo to scream at you that they're trying too hard — which is why we see so many logos in black and white.


The best way to create a new logo is to ignore what has gone before and be bold, be unexpected and break the rules. That's how new rules get created.


5. A logo must remain unchanged over time.



To create a lasting logo, it is important to avoid fads and outdated trends, such as the use of swooshes or glossy treatments.


A logo should be able to stand the test of time, and you need to think about how your brand will evolve over the years. It’s important to think about what your logo represents and what it means for your company: when you look at your logo today, do you see an image of the company now or an image of the company in ten years?


You may also want to consider how other people might perceive your logo over time — whether they will be able to recognize your brand easily by looking at a simple image or if they need more information before they can understand what it is that you do.


Logos are an important part of a brand’s identity and are often the first thing that people see when they look at your company. Logos can be the first impression you make on consumers, so it is important to have a logo that reflects your brand’s values and personality. A logo needs to be timeless, but there are times when it may need to be updated to stay current with changes in society.


Companies that have changed their logos in a significant way include Shell, IBM, Xerox, Volkswagen, and Coca-Cola. Each company has made changes to its logo at least once within the past ten years.


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6. A logo must be distinctive, memorable, and appealing.


The purpose of a logo is to provide a unique signature for a company or organization that will become associated with its qualities. Whether people like or dislike a logo has nothing to do with what they think about companies and organizations that use that logo.


The right logo design can be an important part of your marketing strategy—and if you're looking for a new logo, here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing one:


1. Think about your target audience. What do they care most about? What do they hate most? Do they like animals? Are they into sports? Know your audience before you make any decisions about their characteristics, and then use those characteristics to help guide your designs!


2. Be careful not to overuse similar fonts or colors on all of your branding materials (logos included). If people see too many instances of red on a page, it might start looking like something from a McDonald's menu—which may not be what you want them to think about when they see it again later on in another context.


When you’re just getting started with your logo design, it can be easy to feel like you need to get permission from every single person who will see it. But the truth is, no one cares about your logo except for you and your customers.


Customers don't care about logos—they care about companies' products and services. So while you should use some basic principles of good design when creating your logo, it is not necessary for friends, family members, or neighbors to approve before you put it out there.


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