Ultimate Guide for Selecting the Best Webinar Platform

John Show
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Best Webinar Platform

What is the Purpose of Hosting a ‘Webinar’ 

A webinar is a web video presentation, seminar, lecture, or workshop. Webinars are often televised live, or in real-time, but they can also be taped and then broadcast to audience members. A webcast must have an opportunity to tap that enables viewers to actually participate, ask questions, provide comments, or work with speakers and/or hosts, whether it is live or not. Webinars give businesses the opportunity to host a digital, interactive engagement for customers and members of their target audience, irrespective of where they are located. Webinars may be used to increase conversions, raise brand awareness, boost revenue, and position oneself as an industry authority.

Benefits of Hosting a Webinar on the Best Webinar Platform 

You can Personalize Everything 

Webinars are a quick and simple way to develop original and customized content for your brand. To make it more enjoyable for viewers and members of the audience, you can include a range of presentation features in your webinar. They include chat, slides, polls, interactive exercises, and much more. 

Cost Effectiveness 

Webinars are cheap. Consider this: Whether you're presenting a live event for your target audience and clients, you'll probably need to book a location, place a drink and food order, buy presentation equipment, and more. If you really are having a catered event, you might have to arrange for wait staff and pay for cleanup. Yet, webinars are inexpensive and may be free to host.

Establishing Brand Awareness 

A quick way to teach your audience is through webinars. You might choose to concentrate on how your item or service solves problems for your buyer personas and existing clients, go over its characteristics and abilities, or all of the above.

You may position yourself as just a thought leader in your business by holding webinars. You're less likely to become more of an authority in our field if you regularly hold informative webinars where attendees get useful advice from both you and your guests.

Boost in Sales Conversion Rate 

Your webinar could serve as a source of sales and conversions. Prospects will become more likely to trust you and, consequently, your goods or services, if you position yourself as a leading voice. Also, when you promote and distribute your webinar, more individuals will unavoidably convert as a result of their improved brand awareness. The process of choosing the format that supports your objectives and whatever it is you're doing while holding webinars is another benefit. To help you comprehend what I'm talking about, here are a few of those forms.

Different types of Webinar Formats 

Interview Sessions 

Interview a member of the team, a current, devoted customer, a thought leader either inside or outside the business, or even someone from a different industry. Choose the ideal interrogator and respondent for the discussion after considering the many topics your audience members want to hear about.

Conducting Q&A Sessions 

Hold a webinar where you company and the audience can exchange queries and responses. You may ask a member of your organization or an entity to moderate the Q&A session, and staff people (sales reps, service representatives, marketers, product managers, et.) could sit in to respond to audience members' inquiries.

Hosting Case Study Discussions 

Which of your previous studies had the most traction online or on social media? Have such a look. Ask that customer to participate in your webinar to explain how your product or service solved their issues and the reasons they now promote your brand. The crowd can ask your dedicated client any concerns they may have should you and your client decide to include time for Q&A just at conclusion. Let's take a closer look at how a webinar works now that you have a general notion of the different formats which can be used.

Some Popular Webinar Platforms 

DC Webinar Plus 

A comprehensive webinar hosting service called Dreamcast Global enables businesses and organizations to host informative, interactive webinars and virtual meetings. This best webinar platform is cloud-based and provides a multitude of features and functionalities that are designed to make hosting and taking part in webinars as simple and straightforward as possible. With Dreamcast Global, webinar founders can quickly and easily tailor their webinars to their unique needs and tastes. The platform provides a variety of techniques for engaging the audience, including live polling, Q&a, and an interactive chat feature that let users communicate with the presenter and one another in real-time.

In order to optimize their webinars and increase their return on investment, organizers can measure attendance, engagement, and other crucial data with Dreamcast Global's extensive reporting and analysis services. Additionally, Dreamcast Global is a flexible and reliable option for anyone wishing to hold top-notch webinars or virtual events thanks to its strong security features and ability can interface with other third-party tools and platforms.


Zoom is a free Best Webinar Platform that has a wide audience base across the world. With most of the services available at fairly low prices, this platform is best for small startups and for those ones who are very new to the event industry. Additionally, you can record your session with its premium plan and it supports up to 50 attendees at a time with its free trial version.

Final Thoughts 

Webinars can assist you in moving towards being a thought-leader and authority within your field. Additionally, they may assist you in accessing your target market and consumer personas, increasing brand awareness, or increasing conversions. Choose the ideal webinar technology for your company, keep in mind the best practises we looked at, and start hosting your online events.

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