AccountEdge Pro : Comprehensive Small Business Accounting Software

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AccountEdge Pro

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AccountEdge Pro is a comprehensive small business accounting software developed by Acclivity Group LLC. It is designed to help businesses manage their finances, track sales and purchases, process payroll, and more. Here are some key features and functionalities of AccountEdge Pro: Accounting and Financial Management: AccountEdge Pro offers robust accounting tools, including general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and bank reconciliation. It enables businesses to track income and expenses, manage budgets, and generate financial reports such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports. Inventory Management: Businesses can efficiently manage their inventory with features such as inventory tracking, item assemblies, reorder points, and serialized inventory tracking. This helps businesses stay on top of stock levels, streamline ordering processes, and optimize inventory management. Sales and Invoicing: AccountEdge Pro allows businesses to create professional invoices, track sales orders, and manage customer payments. It supports customizable invoice templates, recurring invoices, and batch invoicing, making the invoicing process efficient and customizable to fit the business's needs. Purchasing and Vendor Management: Businesses can manage purchases, track expenses, and monitor vendor payments with AccountEdge Pro. It enables businesses to create purchase orders, track vendor bills, and manage vendor contacts, helping streamline purchasing processes and maintain good vendor relationships. Payroll Processing: AccountEdge Pro includes payroll processing functionality, allowing businesses to calculate employee wages, manage payroll taxes, and generate paychecks. It supports various payroll types, including salary, hourly, and commission-based, and facilitates compliance with payroll tax regulations. Time Billing and Job Tracking: Businesses can track billable hours, allocate costs to specific projects or jobs, and generate invoices based on time and expenses incurred. This feature is useful for service-based businesses or those that bill clients based on project completion. Reporting and Analysis: AccountEdge Pro offers a range of customizable reports to help businesses gain insights into their financial performance, monitor key metrics, and make informed decisions. Reports can be generated for various aspects of the business, including sales, expenses, inventory, and profitability. Overall, AccountEdge Pro is a feature-rich accounting software solution designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses, offering comprehensive tools for financial management, inventory tracking, sales and invoicing, payroll processing, and reporting.
Accountant Software
AccountEdge Pro $20/Month Single User Local Desktop/On-Premise Free Email Support AccountEdge Network Edition $30/Month includes 2 users Multi-User Local Desktop/On-Premise Free Email Support AccountEdge Hosted $40/Month Single or Multi-User Hosted Desktop Free Technical Support

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